- Police often question him, just because they find him interesting.
- If he were to mail a letter without postage, it would still get there.
- Even his enemy’s list him as there emergency contact.
-He's his own upline and downline?!?
Add to this list, successful network marketer. Jonathan Goldsmith, the actor who portrays Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World has a resume that includes some pretty sweet life experience.
From The New Yorker -
A montage of highlights from the real life of Jonathan Goldsmith might include (had there been cameras present) footage of him rescuing a stranded climber on Mt. Whitney, saving a drowning girl in Malibu, sailing the high seas with his friend Fernando Lamas (the inspiration for his Interesting persona and, according to Goldsmith, “the greatest swordsman who ever lived in Hollywood”), and starting a successful network marketing business (“I was a hustler, a very good hustler”), which, for a while, anyway, enabled him to flee Hollywood for an estate in the Sierras.
Is there any surprise that Mr. Goldsmith learned at least some of his awesomeness inside the network marketing profession?